Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year

Less than a week to go! Orientation for my internship with Engineering Ministries International will start in 4 days.

My New Year's Eve was spent with friends, and it was a time of fun, fellowship, and prayer. Last week I was busy packing up my apartment and moving things into storage. On the plus side, I am already packed for the internship!

Also, this last Friday I received an update on support raising from EMI. It is currently $8,835 - 93% of the total support needed! I am humbled and blessed by the way God has raised supporters over the last few months, both in prayer and finance. Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of the sending for this work.

Dave and Katelyn Canche have graciously allowed me to stay with them in Longview until I leave. I have been doing a lot of reading this week - both of EMI training materials and the Word. Please continue to pray with me for spiritual preparation for the internship. My flight to Uganda will be on January 21st, after 8 days of orientation in Colorado Springs. I am excited about this opportunity to serve for the Kingdom!

New Year's with friends

1 comment:

  1. Hey man,
    I'm sorry I missed your farewell dinner in Tyler! Regardless, I certainly pray for your safe travel, good health, and ample opportunities to serve for the Kingdom while lending your expertise to help the people of Uganda.
    Take Care!
