The past few weeks here have been exciting! Of course, the most wonderful and exciting thing was that Corinne and I became engaged! It was a blessing that her parents were able to share in the experience while they were here visiting Uganda. We all went to dinner, along with Corinne's roommate Casia, at a restaurant outside of Jinja called the Haven. The Haven is a beautiful location on the banks of the Nile River. I proposed to Corinne there after dinner and she said yes! : ) I am excited about our future life together and the plans God has for us!
At the Haven in front of the Nile |
Corinne said yes! |
Coaching soccer at Heritage International School has been going well! The boys are showing great improvement, and I have been able to pray with them and speak into their lives, especially in situations where there is conflict on the field that needs to be resolved.
I am now used to living and getting around in the city of Kampala. I have been able to attend some Sunday services at
Gaba Community Church, and I hope to become more involved there. I have also adjusted to Engineering Ministries International office life, which has its colorful aspects. One day during lunch, one of the staff kids gave a very informative homemade PowerPoint presentation on the Three Mile Island incident. Another day, part of the office compound flooded as a result of torrential rainfall (and drainage issues)!
Paul testing out the new office wading pool |
There are a number of different projects currently being worked on by EMI, including a hospital and a mission station in Burundi. The project trips to these sites returned recently, and it is wonderful to see and hear the reports of how God is using these ministries in the East Africa region.
One of the teams I am on has been able to do surveying and complete preliminary design work for the African Children's Choir Training Centre in Entebbe. The Training Centre building design consists of a main section with a practice stage and common living and dining areas. There are also two dormitory wings on either side that will house up to 40 choir children. The ministry leaders are excited about the design and are currently deciding where best to place the building on the site. There is also construction being completed on a rainwater harvesting system that EMI designed for the existing facilities.
Surveying at the African Children's Choir site |
Performing a Percolation test |
Rainwater harvesting construction on one of the dorms |
As a praise report, interns Samantha, Belinda, and David made a successful border run into Rwanda this last weekend in order to get new visas for Uganda. They now have an additional three months to be able to stay here legally!
Also this last weekend, Corinne and I were able to visit George Byabagambi and see his ministries in Mbarara. George is a Ugandan pastor and bishop who has planted many churches in western Uganda. He is currently starting an orphanage ministry just outside Mbarara as well. You can check out more about George and the work he is doing
Please continue to pray along with me for the following:
- Wisdom for Corinne and I as we make plans for marriage
- Amazima/GSF as they work to purchase land for the Secondary School
- The new EMI Long Term Volunteers the Hornes as they settle into their new home here
- The completion of projects and continued sorting out of immigration issues at the office